Marketing & Communication 7 June 2022

Treat yourself to a new email signature for the new business year

Nouvelles opportuintés grâce aux signatures mail

The start of the new business year is a good time to check in with your customers and partners. It’s also the right time to give your email signature a facelift:
. Email is still the most used business communication channel.
. The signature is the final impression you leave on your recipient.
. It’s a real business opportunity that’s yet to be tapped by your competitors.

1- Start off on the right foot with an engaging email signature

It’s often said that an email’s subject line needs the most attention. It’s the subject line that will determine whether or not your contact will open the message. The first impression is the most important! But we forget to take good care of the final impression, the email signature. However, it’s very simple to set up an impactful email signature: little effort for great results. “My email signature should contain as much information as possible” At the risk of disappointing you… It’s quite the opposite!

The shorter your email signature is, the more impact it will have. Our advice: don’t have more than 3 or 4 lines of text. What’s essential is that the signature’s formatting is the same as your employees’ and that it corresponds to your company’s brand image. All the better if it’s personalised with a photo, especially for the sales team. It should also contain links to your website and social networks to encourage recipients who know you to follow you on social networks.

2- Disseminate your campaigns with the emails sent by your teams

The email signature is a good prospecting tool. Email is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter in acquiring new customers. Just add a banner to your team’s emails, below their email signature. Personalise information in line with your employees’ professions so that it interests their recipients as much as possible. The email signature makes it easy to self-promote at the start of the new business year. It provides an opportunity to communicate on your business news without diminishing an email exchange’s qualities. It can provide news of your back-to-business events, product launches, etc.

At the beginning of the sales funnel.
The email banner could feature an advice guide or webinar invitation, or any content strategy that aims to qualify your prospects and make them more familiar with your brand.

At the end of the sales funnel.
When a prospect has become a customer, the email signature will be different. Instead of a guide or a webinar, it can provide content intended to build customer loyalty and generate word-of-mouth: a video to share, for example, a link to a sponsorship offer, etc.

You now know how to make your email signature a self-promotion tool!

Bannière Mail